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Congratulations To Adrienne T. for winning a signed copy of my latest book !!



Guess what?  You are a winner too! :)


You have a SPECIAL invitation to join me in the  BETA  21 Day Pursuing  Purpose Challenge. I will personally guide you on a 3 week journey to help you get clearer about your purpose and triumph in it.  


Sign up NOW.  I only have room for 11 of you because I want to keep it intimate.  Here is what you get:





- LaDonna PM as your Purpose Pursuer Coach to help you explore a deeper dive of your purpose and how to triumph in it.


- Private, supportive community to help you get clear about your purpose so you can be intentional about living out your unique soul mission. 


- Access to online portal with daily journal prompts and bonus self -discovery activities while you pursue your purpose. 


- One  LIVE  Purpose Pause Session per week to gain insight and  feedback on the daily activities.


- One AMAZEBALLS closing session to give you the boost you need to walk in your purpose and to celebrate your purpose journey. 


- FREE signed keepsake copy of the Pursuing Purpose: 21 Day Devotional Journal to Triumph. 



SIGN UP NOW for $25

* This introductory offer ends in 24 hours. 


© 2020 LaDonnaPM

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