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How To Live In Celebration

Writer's picture: LaDonna P. MixonLaDonna P. Mixon

Yesterday, I celebrated my 41st birthday in the clouds, the red rocks and splendor of Sedona, Arizona. (Before you say it, YES, this is another vision board manifestation.) And let me tell you, the beauty is even more majestic than the photos I glued to my poster.

When I thought about the year 2020, one of my immediate goals was to be in the mental state of what I call “Living In Celebration.” What is that and how do you achieve this state? I’m glad you asked! 😉

According to the urban dictionary of LaDonna isms, the mental state of living in celebration is the perpetual mental acuity of finding things to be grateful for and therefore creating moments of resulting celebration.

Now, how you choose to celebrate is completely acceptable, grand or minute. It just involves you deciding, on PURPOSE to celebrate the life you create and all that is within it.

I saw a post from a friend on Instagram stating how conflicted she was today because although this was the day she finished her degree program, it was also the day she lost her mother. Let me tell you, I know first hand how life changing and incredibly sad it is to lose a loved one especially Mom! Sometimes it’s hard to refocus and live fully, even in grief. But something dawned on me when I read her post, though. Even in death, there is a celebration of life. I wish I could hug her and tell her to give herself permission to celebrate it all, cause I know her Mom is beaming love from Heaven and proud of her baby!

Choosing to live in celebration is a choice. One that you must deliberately choose to catalogue joy in all the moments. Here are some ways I do this and hopefully it helps you, encapsulate your necessary moments of celebrating life.

🎉1. Take nothing personal. Good or bad, things aren’t happening to you, it’s happing for you to give yourself a wide berth of space for grace. For in giving this, even to yourself, you receive it.

🎉2. Don’t be hard on yourself. Friend, remember we are creating a mental space of celebration and joy. Negativity and self loathing does not have a seat at this table. Nope. All I am gently requesting is that if something does not happen according to plan, release the hard feelings. Beating yourself up about things that won’t matter tomorrow is pointless.

🎉3. Remember just how amazing you are. Remember the good things you’ve accomplished! I don’t care if you ran a mile or 10, reward yourself for sticking to a goal and accompolishing it. Treat yourself to your favorite lunch... sleep in on Saturday. IJS. 🤷🏾‍♀️

🎉4. Encourage yourself. If only y’all could hear some of my pep talks to myself! We know how to be our own worst critic but how about trying to be your own best coach? I write myself love notes in my journal. it helps me get in the mood for celebration. And this is coming from someone who was /is used to putting herself last.

Nah fam. It’s 2020. We off that.


I got some more tips but I’m celebrating you RIGHT NOW for still reading this. I know how short attention spans can be. 😘

Meanwhile, I’ll be over here in the desert visualizing how I am gonna celebrate making it through those Grand Canyon hikes today! Jesus be some icy hot and a spa visit... Boom! #celebrationmode

Peace and love,


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