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10 Powerful #SelfLove Mantras

Happy Love Day!

How fitting that this Holiday of Valentines Day falls on a Friday which is also Venus Day! Venus symbolizes love, appeal, beauty and passion. It also represents balance, devotion, creativity and allure! Friday is an ideal day to indulge in self love and the pleasures of life! How delicious!

But first, it starts with a healthy portion to ourselves!

Self Love is a powerful agency to give to your own divine selves and can be done in so many ways. I’m sure you‘ve already indulged in a few things (slept in, warm indulgent bath or shower, adorned your skin with your favorites scents and oils, treated yourself to your favorite meal or chocolaty snack).

Have you taken some time to look yourself in the eye, wrap your arms around yourself and affirm your awesomeness? No? Well, KEEP READING!

Today, I want to share with you the power of 10 #selflove mantras that will light the 🔥 of your heart ❤️ from the inside out. Repeat these with me:

🥰 1. I LOVE myself. There is no one else in the entire universe like me. I am a beautiful and unique spirit.

🥰 2. I am WORTHY. Love, Goodness, Abundance, Peace, Joy- all of it. It is mine to have and enjoy not because of anything I’ve done but just because of who I Am. 🥰3. I am HAPPY with myself right where I am! Life is not a destination but a journey. I have everything I need right now!

🥰4. I am CONFIDENT in the decisions I make! I know that I create a powerfully enriching life. There are no wrong paths. All road lead to success.

🥰5. I am GROWING. I am transforming into the person I desire to be every day. I see so many positive attributes within me.

🥰6. I ADORE myself! I take every opportunity to love on me and remember how I awesome I am.

🥰7. I am THANKFUL and filled with gratitude for every part of my life! I know that I am

connected to infinite resources and love. All of my needs are met!

🥰 8. I am BEAUTIFUL. I am so beautiful not just on the outside but on the inside too!! I am so captivating!

🥰9. I am CAPABLE. Everything I think I can achieve I believe it too! Everything I desire, is already MINE!

🥰10. I am SURROUNDED by people who love me and champion me to keep going no matter what! I feel their love and support from near and far and it feels so good! *repeat as needed.

PHEW!! Oh my goodness! I don’t know about you but I really needed that! Sometimes filling our own tanks with loving affirmations can lift us out of dark places. #askmehowiknow

I hope your days (not just today) is overflowing with positivite energy and great things. Comment below any additional #selflove affirmations to add to our list!

I love you. Mean it!!



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LaDonna P. Mixon
LaDonna P. Mixon
Feb 14, 2020

Erika!!! That is RICH!! I love it! Thanks for sharing!!


Erika Burke
Erika Burke
Feb 14, 2020

I am blessed inspite of myself!

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